theme not activated
installed, but no windows key
Maniac_X: try #compiz
that theme is specific to Compiz
I am running Ubuntu 16.04
with Unity desktop
Ok, so what would be the solution
Or should I just re-install Ubuntu
Seems like it was solved but ok
you can always re-install
Ok, then do it
be right back
whats the actual difference between trusty, xenial and yakkety ?
lonely-chan, ^ i think you should be happy with yakkety
lonely-chan, 16.10 has not been released. is not ready yet.
cfhowlett:ok thanks, is it better than 16.04 or does it have any advantages over 14.04
over 14.04.1
lonely-chan, depends on your purposes. ubuntu 16.10 is not released.
!yakkety | lonely-chan
lonely-chan: Ubuntu Yakkety Yak is the codename for Ubuntu 16.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+1
cfhowlett:ok thanks
cfhowlett:ok, thanks
how to share a folder?
why isn't smb:/// available in Nautilus?
"smb" filebrowser has no drive,
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